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1st Adderbury Scout Troop, Banbury, Oxfordshire, UK


During 2008 the Troop enjoyed a large number of outdoor activities.   A number of canoe events took place and Scouts also enjoyed gliding, jet skiing, karting, and a mountain expedition, amongst others.

A strong group of Patrol Leaders proactively recruited new members and Scout numbers grew.   Those same Patrol Leaders completed their Chief Scouts' Awards before Christmas in readiness for their presentation at the start of 2009.

The year saw the first e-Updates (see below) and finished with the parents enjoying The Time Warp as the entertainment at Festive Friday.   And as the year progressed the excitement built towards 2009 - which would see the Troop celebrating its 30th anniversary...

This was the Troop's website in 2008.   It was replaced with a new site at the end of the year in readiness for the Troop's 30th birthday in 2009.

Here's some pages from the website showing the activities of 2008:


In 2008 the Troop introduced a weekly update e-mail for Scouts.   The e-Update contained details of activities and reminders for the lads.   It was the modern version of the old fashioned noticeboard that had been part of Troop meetings when the Troop started.

Click the image above to have a look at an e-Update from September 2008.

Wounds 2008

Day Of Dance 2008

Canoe Night 2008

2008 started with the Merlin patrol receiving the Warren trophy for winning the points competition the most times in the previous year.   They had won five months under the previous patrol leader Lewis Mahony. 

A few weeks into the new year some of the patrol leaders on trial decided to leave the Troop.   Their places were taken by members of the Kestrel patrol who done so well at the previous year's Summer Camp; Max Homer moved to lead the Panthers and a few weeks later Dan Bolton set up a new patrol called the Eagles.   The Tiger and Merlin patrol members moved into the Eagles, Kestrels and Panthers.  

The Troop ran for most of 2008 with three patrols.   Then in the autumn due to the number of Scouts in the Troop it was decided to create a fourth patrol.   Interviews were held and Robbie Dwyer (another Kestrel) was named as the new patrol leader.   Robbie decided to name his patrol the Wolves.

In November Alex Mobbs was rewarded for two very successful years as Kestrel's Patrol Leader by joining the small group of Scouts in the Troop's history to have been promoted to Senior Patrol Leader.

PLs Training 2008

Hot T Hunt 2008

OS French Connection

Canoe Expedition 2008

Backwoods Cooking

Summer Camp 2008

ALSO IN 2008

The music:
Kid Rock - All Summer Long
Duffy - Mercy
Kings Of Leon - Sex On Fire
Ne-Yo - Closer
Sam Sparro - Black and Gold
Jordan Sparkes - No Air

The Dark Knight
Slumdog Millionaire

Doctor Who
The Inbetweeners


Summer Camp 2008 in Snowdonia
Let's Do The Time Warp again as the entertainment at Festive Friday

PLs Narrowboating 2008

Gliding 2008

OS Jet Skiing

Younger Scouts Navigation Challenge

Older Scouts Mountain Expedition 2008

Meal Machine 2008

Overnighter 2008

Festive Friday 2008

Indoor Karting 2008

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