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1st Adderbury Scout Troop, Banbury, Oxfordshire, UK


The instructions for one Tuesday meeting in October:

You must produce a high class, three course meal, within these parameters:
1.You are cooking for three people
2. Each course must represent a different country
3.The meal must be as cheap as possible
4.Everyone in your patrol must be involved as much as possible and we will want to see how this is achieved
5. Each course must be prepared on the night (no pre-cooked items!)
6.As part of the challenge you should set out a table for three
Marks will be given for initiative, appearance and taste.

So how did they do?

There was one hour to prepare for the judges.

The judges wanted to know exactly what they would be eating.

Then it was time to serve up.

We're not quite sure what Anna had just eaten!





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