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1st Adderbury Scout Troop, Banbury, Oxfordshire, UK

Saturday May 31, 2008, 6.45am, and Adderbury Scouts' three PLs set off to catch a ferry from Dover to France.

On the ferry they were given the seven tasks they had until 6pm to complete ... so time for some research on the ferry.

Then a bit more research in Tourist Information.

Challenge 1: Been to the place hidden by the anagram: IRON STEAM

Challenge 2: Collected a French company promotional pen or pencil.

Challenge 3: Enjoyed a French ice cream in a market square.

OK ... that's the ice creams ... but it needs to be in the market square.

OK, fair enough.

Challenge 4: Obtained details of a house for sale in France.

Challenge 5: Sent a card to the leader Olly Davies telling him that the wine is good – in French!

Challenge 6:  Had your picture taken reading a French newspaper on the steps of a church.

Then a quick rest before the final task, and still with two hours to go.

Challenge 7:
Visited the place in France where Charles de Gaulle was born.

Wait a minute ... this is in Lille, and they are in St Omer.   That's a 40 minute drive to a city, and then a hunt to find De Gaulle's birth place.

Time is ticking!

There's just minutes left!

Got it ... at 6 minutes to 6!

And with all the challenges complete, its time to return to the UK.

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