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1st Adderbury Scout Troop, Banbury, Oxfordshire, UK

Here's our roll call of honour from 1979-1989.   A collection of pages dedicated to top Scouts of Adderbury's past.    To get into the Hall of Fame a Scout must have lasted the course with North Oxfordshire's number one Scout Troop - no quitters here!  

Any extra information will be gratefully received.   If we have missed you please send us an update so you can be added.

You can also see our Hall Of Fame from the 00s and our Hall Of Fame from the the 90s.


Left late 1988.    Andy was a Tiger throughout his time with the Troop, and progressed to the position of PL in 1987.   He had a quite, get it done, approach to running his patrol, and joined in with all the Troop's activities.   Updates needed.

Left late 1988.   Simon, or "Flower" (after a part he played in a primary school play!), was a Kestrel throughout his time in Scouts, and Kestrel's PL in 1988.   Simon loved Scout activities and was always one of the first to sign-up, whether it be for mountain biking in North Yorkshire, or a weekend survival camp.   On that subject one of the Troop's funniest moments ever involved Simon trying to put a chicken on a spit to roast.   The whole lot ended up on the floor.   Simon was also the driving force in organising Scouts "mega" discos.   Today Simon is married with three children.   Updates needed.

Left late 1988.  Neil spent nearly three years as the Otters PL, working alongside several different PLs in other patrols.   Always cheery, Neil offered a considered approach to everything the Troop did - which was sometimes needed when others wanted to plan ideas at break neck speed!   That probably explains how after school and college Neil ended up working as a solicitor in London.   Today he is back in Banbury and works for Spratt Endicott.   Neil won the Warren trophy for the year both in 1986 and 1988, and the Lidster Trophy for Summer Camp 1988.


Left spring 1988 Jon became a patrol leader early during his time with the Troop, running the Kestrel patrol.   He later became the Troop's second ever Senior Patrol Leader.   Famously Jon loved getting back to nature and took part in the endurance mission that is a survival camp twice, where he enjoyed "chicken" and "mellow moments".   After Scouts Jon helped as a leader for a while.   Updates needed.

Left spring 1987  Craig was a Merlin Patrol Leader and a regular at Troop outdoor activities and camps.   Craig now lives in Gaydon.   Updates needed.

Left autumn 1986 Richard was the Tiger PL through 1986.   After Scouts and school Richard went to Nottingham University where he met his wife Li-Ann.   After graduation they went back to her home country of Singapore where they lived for 12 years.    In 2006 Richard transferred to working in the USA where he and Li-Ann live with their two children Geraint and Alyssa.   (11/06/09)

Left autumn 1986 Rob was a rugby playing Otter - and the man behind chocky-gate.   When the film of Summer Camp 1985 was released Rob was clearly pictured helping himself to two chocolate biscuits for lunch.   The rules clearly state you can only have one!   No matter what Rob's excuse of "getting one for someone else" no one believed him.   After attending the Troop's 30th reunion in September 2009 Rob decided to return to Scouts and is now one of 1st Adderbury's Leaders.   He has three daughters and a dog called Benji.

Left autumn 1986 Keith was a Tiger Patrol Leader and the Troop's first ever Senior Patrol Leader.   He was also the Troop's action man, and loved his outdoor activities.   Keith famously hiked around the Brecon Beacons as a Scout in freezing wet conditions wearing shorts!   Keith helped as a leader for a while after leaving the Troop.   Updates needed.

Left autumn 1985  James had a devious sense of humour and a cheeky attitude that led to him being crowned the Troop's first ever Wally of the Week at Summer Camp 1985.   He was an Otter.   James' dad Peter was the Group Scout Leader at the time the Troop was formed.   Updates needed.

Left autumn 1985  James was one of those lucky Scouts that became a PL early in his time with the Troop and therefore kept the role for two years.   He led the Otter patrol.   After Scouts James stayed on as a young leader and managed to end up in hospital after starting an avalanche of rocks whilst climbing.   His laugh still remains famous today!   Updates needed.

Left summer 1985  Shaun led the Merlin patrol.   Updates needed.

Left spring 1985 Nick was a Tiger PL and one of the last "original" Adderbury Scouts.   Nick loved canoeing as a Scout and went on to become a proficient canoeing instructor.   Nick's dad, Bruce, was the Group's Chairman who organised the formation of the Scout Troop.   Updates needed.

Left spring 1985 Mike was one of the last "original" Scouts to leave the Troop.   He was a Kestrel Patrol Leader and son of Scout Leader Ken Baker.   After Scouts Mike helped out as a leader.   Mike moved in to Banbury when he got married and a few years later Mike's son Lewis was himself an Adderbury Scout.   Updates needed.

Left spring 1984 Chris was Kestrel's second PL and a man with a very sharp wit.   When Chris wrote the minutes for PLs' Council meetings you knew the satirical nature of the writing would make you laugh, although the leaders found it most inappropriate!    Soon after leaving Scouts Chris' family moved away from Adderbury.   Updates needed.

Left spring 1984 Tiger's second PL Dale was keen on outdoor activities, and liked PLs night hikes, but never quite got to complete the Tour De Trigs during his time with the Troop.   Dale joined the army soon after leaving Scouts and remained in the forces until 2008.   He completed three tours of Bosnia, two in Northern Island, the Gulf in 1991 and Iraq in 2003 and 2006.   He now lives in Canada with his wife and two children.   (18/05/09)
Adam Haetzman BRENDAN COX

Left spring 1984.  Well we think it was 1983, but after all it is SO long ago the rest of us weren't even born.  Bren, or Brillo, or Grimble was the third Merlin PL and one of the founder members of 1st Adderbury back in 1979.   Well known for his "spoiler", Bren went on to be a Scout Leader, Quartermaster and Venture Scout Leader.   Then he took up a life of education moving to Nottingham where he became the Uni's first ever 70 year old student!   Today he is a local government employee (so he does nothing).   He used to spend loads of time up mountains battling the elements (and the beer monsters) - but is getting older now!   Brendan married Wendy in October 2007.   (21/03/07)

Left autumn 1983.   David was the Otter Patrol's third PL, and introduced the PLs Council to the concept of caravanning.   They never actually went anywhere, but held their meetings in the mobile home on David's driveway!   Updates needed.

Left spring 1983.   Andy was a Merlin throughout his time in Scouts, but actually didn't attend the Troop's first ever meeting as he was ill.   Andy became the Merlin's second Patrol Leader and particularly enjoyed taking his patrol camping.   After school Andy worked in computing at Cherwell District Council, before moving into full time broadcasting.   Today he broadcasts on various radio stations.   He was the Scout Leader until he retired in 2019 having spent 40 years with 1st Adderbury.

Left spring 1983.   Tim formed the Kestrel patrol in the autumn of 1980 after the original Lion patrol was disbanded.   Like his twin brother Trev, Tim was into his rock music.   Updates needed.

Left spring 1983.   Trev was one of Troop's first PLs, forming the Tigers on that very first night.   As one of "the twins" only those in the know could tell Trev and his brother Tim apart.   Updates needed.

Left autumn 1982.   Jeremy was the Otter Patrol's second PL.   At his final Summer Camp he collected a piece of slate which he later had made into the centre piece of a trophy he gave to the Troop.   The Warren Trophy is presented each year to the patrol that won the most months in the points competition.   Jeremy married Maxine in 1990 and they currently live in Flint, North Wales, with their two children Joshua and Catherine.

Left spring 1981.  As one of the first four PLs, Seb led the Otter Patrol.   After school Seb moved into farming and today runs "The Meat Joint", a traditional style of farming, producing the very best quality meat, reared in the best possible way and sold direct to consumers.   He lives in Milton.    Updates needed.

Left spring 1981.  Andy was one of the original four PLs and led the Merlin patrol.   He remained with the Troop as a leader for a few years.   Andy had a passion for photography and a lot of the Troop's early photos were taken by Andy and developed in his dark room at home in Kemps Road.   After college Andy became a photographer, and later Chief Photographer for the Banbury Guardian.   He married Rachel and they now live in Goring-on-Thames with their two children, Matthew and Bethany.

Left spring 1980.  Brett was one of the Troop's first four PLs and led the Lion patrol for the first year.    Updates needed.

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