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1st Adderbury Scout Troop, Banbury, Oxfordshire, UK

Go back to 2000

Pages from the Troop's original website:

Tiger Patrol

Tiger Patrol picture

Jon is 14 and goes to the Warriner school. He plays rugby and loves to surf the net .He loves to eat pizza and watch "Goodness gracious me ".

Joe is 11 and goes to St John’s school. He likes to play all kinds of sport and eat pizza. Joe doesn't watch much telly.

Anthony is 13 and goes to Banbury school. He enjoys football and playing on his computer. He doesn't watch much telly and he doesn't have a girl friend.

Lewis is 10 and goes to Christopher Rawlin’s school in Adderbury. He enjoys football, tennis and swimming. He loves a Sunday roast and to watch the wrestling.

Lawrence is 14 and goes to Bloxham school . He spends lots of his time watching and playing football and rugby. He likes to play on his computer and eat Indian. He thinks he is the most attractive member in the patrol (we all disagree).

Adam is 12 and goes to the Warriner school. He likes football, the Simpsons and trading pokemon cards. His favourite meal is Toad in the hole.

Tom is also 12 and goes to the Warriner school. Tom likes to watch telly, play on his computer and play basket ball. He loves the Simpsons and to eat pasta.

Tiger_badge.gif (1239 bytes)

Go back to 2000

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