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1st Adderbury Scout Troop, Banbury, Oxfordshire, UK

Go back to 2000

Pages from the Troop's original website:

Patrol Leaders' Narrow Boating 2000

As a reward for their hard work during the year, each August 1st Adderbury's Patrol Leaders enjoy a special narrowboating holiday.    Luke Garrett, James Sollis, Olly Davies and Jon Evans attended...
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More often than not James Sollis was the skipper - he was actually not bad (most of the time) and only hit two "ducks".    He sailed our narrowboat from Rugby to Stoke Bruerne and back...
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As James was driving this meant Luke and Jon had to do the locks!

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Whilst Olly was down in the galley preparing another six course meal - its not suprising that Jon is so tubby!
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Everyone was "up top" though when it came to going through the two tunnels.
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Then it was back to normal, either catching the rays on the roof...
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...joining in the annual event of having your picture taken on this bench...
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...or sitting at the front spotting "damsels in distress" (and that's a story you won't find here!)
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Another 1st Adderbury winner!

Go back to 2000

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