Jon took over as Tiger Patrol
Leader after beating off six other applicants for the job in October 1999.
He's another of our Scouts that goes to the Warriner School in Bloxham and joined Scouts
in 1996, originally as a Kestrel patrol member. Jon's 15 years old, and a
Banbury rugby club member where he's a flanker (someone who stands at the side and doesn't
do a lot we reckon!). Jon's current ambition is to be seen out on the town
with Amy - his current lady of the moment. Watch this space to see if he is
successful! Jon doesn't watch much TV, probably in case Mandy Dingle appears -
the woman he would least like to be seen out on the town with. Mind you she
would probably squash his shiny red Ferrari - Jon's top choice for a cruise mobile - not
that he'd ever move it off his drive as he's usually to be found battling his computer and
his top game of the moment: WWF Attitude. Jon's favourite activity in Scouts
so far has been Scuba Diving. He was part of our winning novice section team
in the 2000 Cyril Gardner Hike and he's with the top team at 1st Adderbury because its
good fun. |
Luke got the job of Kestrel PL
in July 2000. He's 14 and goes to the Warriner School - although that rather
gets in the way of his social life which sees "party animal" Luke off for a
night on the town after his favourite nosh - an Indian meal. Luke's perfect
night out would involve meeting up with Kat Deeley (sorry Lukey - she belongs to the Scout
Leader). On the other hand poor Luke's sister scores top marks in "the
person I wouldn't want to be locked in a lift with" AND "the person I find most
annoying" categories. If you gave Luke one million pounds he'd buy a BMW
and a decent mountain bike. (We have to say we would be concerned to see Luke
behind the wheel of a BMW - he's dangerous enough on the bike, already having crashed into
... a speeding milk float!) As for the rest of the cash - that would go in the
bank. Luke loves the ol' biking with Mountain Biking Camp being his best
activity in Scouts so far. As for gossip, as a new PL Luke revealed that
Tiger's Jonny eats a bar of lard every night before bed time ...er, yes. Luke
was a member of Adderbury's winning Cyril Gardner 2000 novice team, and is in Scouts coz
its fun. |
Stand by for the write-up on
the PL that get's more messages left for him in our guestbook than anyone else (although
he writes most of them himself). Olly is 15 years old, and in 1999 went
through that "dying his hair blond" phase. Thank God that's all over
- he was a nightmare at camp. With some friends from the Warriner School he's
in a band called EPSILON. Their music is pop, but not Steps, 911, Westlife or
S Club 7 - its Epsilon .. watch this space! (James Sollis said he had seen the
band and admitted they weren't bad!) Olly plays keyboards and
guitar. He also enjoys athletics. Olly's ambition is to do a
parachute jump ... as long as he doesn't land anywhere near Celine Dion who he's
"gone off" and Kate Winslett who he describes as "fat"! If
you ever meet Olly ask him about his trip to France - bet he won't tell you that
story! Olly enjoys American shows like Friends on TV and enjoys
activities like karting at Scouts. He was also part of our winning main
section team in the 2000 Cyril Gardner Hike, and also part of the winning novice section
team in the 1999 competition. Olly says he's in Scouts because its just quite
simply ... fun. He took over as Swifts PL in January 1999 and in July 2000 had
the honour of becoming one of the few Scouts to become a Senior Patrol Leader at 1st
Adderbury. |
Craig took over running the
Otters in March 2000. He is 14 years old and a real fan of the city Liverpool
- he's got the football team's poster and his favourite TV show is Brookside.
That's probably why he wants to move up there as soon as he can - and move in with
Brookside's Emily Shadwick! Craig's nickname is rampant - or at least that's what he
says his girlfriends call him (and there's been plenty of them ... they never last more
than ten minutes though!). Craig's ambition is to become a train driver (he's
serious!) and if he won one million pounds he would buy a new house for his family - he
wants his mum there so she can buy and cook the food! Craig also stepped up
for the trophies with Oli and James in the 35 mile Cyril Gardner Hike in both 1999 and
2000. Craig's favourite activity is Scouts so far is karting and he says he's
with 1st Adderbury simply "coz it's cool"! |
James is the Troop's hard
man! He's 15 years old and also attends the Warriner School. At his home
he's got his own fully fitted apartment, complete with a balcony. Until
recently the balcony was a bit dodgy though as there were no railings and you could fall
straight off the edge! James is into model cars and also plays football - not
for anyone in particular, just when he wants to. On the big screen the
"Alien" films are James' favourite flicks and on the small screen he is an
Eastenders fan, whilst we are told late night Channel 5 is also fairly popular - not sure
why... Your £1m would be quite safe if you gave it to James as he'd put it in
the bank! James took over as the Merlin Patrol PL in January 1999 and with Oli
and Craig has collected trophies at the Cyril Gardner Hike two years on the
trot. James also led his patrol to victory at Summer Camp 1999. We
asked him why he's in Scouts and he replied "just coz!". We didn't
want to argue! |