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1st Adderbury Scout Troop, Banbury, Oxfordshire, UK

Go back to 2000

Pages from the Troop's original website:

Scouts from 1st Adderbury kicked into their 2000 action packed autumn programme with a brand new exciting activity for the oldest members.   Ever pushing the boundaries of exhilaration and excitement, four Scouts spent a day in North Wales learning how to paraglide…


The training session was held in the hills to the west of Oswestry.   After a morning of learning emergency landings and paraglider control, the afternoon was spent running down the hill and taking off to fly the paraglider solo…


The day was exhausting, but thoroughly enjoyable, and gave the Scouts the first days training in a course that could lead to a professional paragliding qualification.  

Scout Oliver Davies (15) said, “This is definitely one of the best activities I’ve done so far in Adderbury Scouts.   As I found out though it is much harder than it looks!”…

Go back to 2000

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