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1st Adderbury Scout Troop, Banbury, Oxfordshire, UK

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Pages from the Troop's original website:

Indoor Football Winners 2000

For the fourth year running Scouts from 1st Adderbury won the Banbury District’s Indoor Football Competition. This took place at Spiceball Park on Sunday March 5th.   Eleven teams from Troops across North Oxfordshire battled in a fast and furious afternoon’s football, which saw the winners of the past three years indoor competitions, and the past four years outdoor competitions, 1st Adderbury, taking home the trophy again.

And in a show of just how good the footballing talent is within 1st Adderbury, the Troop’s teams proudly took three of the top four places in the competition.   1st Adderbury "A" remained unbeaten all afternoon.

Assistant Scout Leader James Pope said, "I’m absolutely delighted. Every other Troop in the area has 1st Adderbury in its sights, but once again we’ve come out on top.   On the day the lads followed all of the technical theory they had learned on their training sessions, and they were also tactically sound. At the end of the day it’s all down to how many goals you can score and we just kept hammering them home."

The whole Troop celebrated by eating out at Pizza Hut before heading home for a well-earned rest.

Football A team
Adderbury A: Jon Evans, Daniel Walker, Robert Pope, Craig Bagnell and Ryan McCrickerd

Football B team
Adderbury B: Casper Shaw, James Sollis, Anthony Raymond, Andy Norton, Jo Source and Nick Putt

Football C team
Adderbury C: Lawrence Putt, Craig Towle, Tom Norton, Adam Source and Jo Davies

Football D team
Adderbury D: Howard White, Luke Garrett, Adam Maltby, Peter Raymond, Simon Hall and Dean Towle

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