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1st Adderbury Scout Troop, Banbury, Oxfordshire, UK

Go back to 2006

Pages from the Troop's second website:

The Meal Machine was the evening our Patrols prepared fantastic three course meals that had to be tasted to be believed.








Kestrel's spring roles

Tiger's salmon starter

Tiger's chicken kievs

Kestrel's spaghetti bolognaise

Merlin's peach and pear crumble

Kestrel's strawberry, chocolate and meringue

The instructions:

You must produce a high class, three course meal, within these parameters:
1.You are cooking for three people
2. Each course must represent a different country
3.The meal must be as cheap as possible
4.Everyone in your patrol must be involved as much as possible and we will want to see how this is achieved
5. Each course must be prepared on the night (no pre-cooked items!)
6.As part of the challenge you should set out a table for three
Marks will be given for initiative, appearance, taste and cost.




The Leaders testing!

During the meeting everyone had to attend the sandwich bar challenge: get a question right - put a filling in someone else's sandwich; get a question wrong - they put a filling in yours!

So you end up with ... jam + marmite + cheese + marsh mallows !


Go back to 2006

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