In March 2007 we had
a team in the 50km Hike Oxon.
Dave Phanichattra, Fred Howe and Louis Hunt were
walking for 1st Adderbury.
During the hike our website contained live updates,
and here's how the story unfolded.
Louis, Dave and Fred
at the start...

Our team set off at 10:44am, and this
is them approaching checkpoint 2 of 10 at 11:35...

 Our team passed through checkpoint 3 of
10 at 12:32.
These shots show our team heading
towards checkpoint 4 of 10 at 1:16pm, and leaving.

Our team were half way to checkpoint 5
at 2:05pm.

David, Fred and Louis reached
checkpoint 5 at 2:55pm.

3:10pm Update: Our team are team 108.
They started with seven other teams ahead of them. They
have overtaken three and four remain infront of them.

4:07pm and our team arrive at
checkpoint 6. Dave's had a blister to deal with.
The next section is hard work across country ... and its very cold!

5:30pm Update: Our Scouts are on the
cross country section between checkpoint 6 and 8. Last
year's Explorer Scout winning team have just arrived at checkpoint 8.
5:55pm Update: confirmation received
that our team has just left checkpoint 7.
Despite being cold and tired our team
passed through checkpoint 8 (of 10) at 6:58pm. Its now
drizzling with rain, 5 degrees C and dark.

Our team passed through checkpoint 9
(of 10) at around 8:30pm. They are now on the home
straight to the finish.
9:38 Update: our team have completed
around 48km of the 50km and have reached the outskirts of Wallingford.

One metre from the
finish line...

Having set off at 10:44am our team
successfully completed the course at 9:55pm
- a time of 11 hours and 11 minutes.
