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1st Adderbury Scout Troop, Banbury, Oxfordshire, UK

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Indoor Football Winners 2001

For the fifth year running Scouts from 1st Adderbury won the Banbury District’s Indoor Football Competition.   This took place at Spiceball Park on Sunday February 25th.

And in a show of just how good the footballing talent is at 1st Adderbury, whilst the Troops “A” team took the winners trophy 1st Adderbury’s “B” team took second place in the competition.   The fight between the Troop’s top two was so intense only goal difference separated the teams in the end.

Eight teams from Troops across North Oxfordshire battled in what was a fast and furious afternoon’s football.

1st Adderbury are proud to have been winners of the past four years indoor competitions, and the past five years outdoor competitions.   Upon making the winners presentation, event organiser Phil Grant even commented that the trophy had spent so much time in Adderbury in recent years it now thought of the village as home!

1st Adderbury’s “A” and “B” teams both remained unbeaten all afternoon.

Assistant Scout Leader James Pope said, “I’m very proud of this achievement.   Each year the competition becomes harder to win as everybody knows its Adderbury they have to beat.

“The lads had organised their own training sessions and took in all the advice about the specific skills required for indoor football, space analysis and tactical movement.

“Winning a competition like this for a couple of years could be down to luck, but to win it five years on the trot shows that our Scouts really are in a class of their own.”

Adderbury A: Rob Pope, Tom Norton, Ryan McCrickerd, Nick Putt, Andy Norton and Daniel Hall.

Adderbury B: Lawrence Putt, Simon Hall, Joe Source, Joe Davies, Oliver Adams and Lewis Baker.

Adderbury C: Adam Source, Peter Raymond, Adam Maltby, Chris Skidmore, Dean Towle and Caullum Drysdale

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