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It was a busy afternoon for 1st Adderburys A team captain, James Pope, who also had a commitment to play for the Banbury Youth Team. Not wishing to let either Banbury Youth, or 1st Adderbury down, James rushed between the two matches thanks to a very understanding mum! The Indoor competition comprised a league of all the teams, who played each other in a series of 9 minute frantic games. The battle for supremacy was fought hard with the final match of the afternoon between the two teams at the top of the league, 1st Adderbury A and 7th Banbury. The winners took the necessary points to win the trophy, and that was 1st Adderbury with a 2-1 win. Scout Leader Andy Green said, "The lads were so keen to win this competition they organised their own training sessions in the Warriner School sports hall. That obviously paid off. It was great to hear the cheer from our parents and supporters as our team brought home the trophy once again. "The only problem now is that Ive got to polish it for another twelve months!"