At the Badgework Training and
Testing Camp activities included a night hike, fire lighting ...
and forming a pop band using cooking utensils!
Barbecue Night
Patrol Camps
Bases Night - the river rope
Halloween Night
The Troop ran a "win a teddy"
competition at the Parish Garden Party.
Activity Evenings
£15 was raised for Troop funds by
putting people like Simon Ewles in the stocks!
James DeCaux continued his run as
Otter PL throughout 1985, and was joined by Jon Clinkard
(Kestrels), Craig Moore (Merlins) and Keith Brigden (Tigers).
1985 was the year Scout badgework
changed. Out went the Scout Standard and Advanced
Scout Standard, and in came the Scout Award, Pathfinder Award, and
Explorer Award.
Meanwhile the Troop's A team came
4th in the District football competition and the biggest complaint of
the year was the state of the Institute cups used for tuck-shop