1982 saw the end of the Troop's first era when Mike Lidster stepped down as Scout Leader in April, with Ken Baker taking over.

The PLs during the year were Tim and Trevor Gainey, Andy Green and Jeremy Warren.

During the summer of 1982 an Old Tyme Fayre was held in the village.   The Troop entered a float, which came third.   Pictured are Andy Green, Brendan Cox, David Folland, Geoff Hunt and Dale Burman.

ALSO IN 1982

The music:
Musical youth - Pass the Dutchie
Survivor - Eye of the Tiger
Tight Fit - Lion Sleeps Tonight
Irene Cara - Fame
Dexy's Midnight Runners - Come On Eileen
Madness - House of Fun


The Young Ones
Night Rider
Boys from the Black Stuff

See more from 1982 on the BBC website:

Summer Camp 1982 was held at Braggers Wood campsite in Hampshire

Spirits were high in the minibus on the way to camp and Mike Lidster seems to be enjoying the Kestrel's cooking.   Meanwhile we are still unsure whether Tim and Trev Gainey were assuming the "for those about to rock" pose, or a Bruce Forsythe stance!

Trev Gainey and Nick Smith cook above, and Tim Gainey and Mark Terry strain the potatoes.

Keith Brigden chops wood above, and Chris Allen, Dale Burman and Brendan Cox eat lunch during a trip to Corfe Castle below.

Crazy Camp Sports above, and Gary Hillier and Miles Goodchild afloat below.

The PLs on a hike at Camp.

After Ken Baker took over as Scout Leader, Mike Lidster continued attending meetings as Ken's assistant.

Former PL Andy Cox helped at meetings and became the first Adderbury Venture Scout.

The PLs ran a month of activities during October.

At the end of the year Jeremy Warren left the Troop and David Folland became the Otter PL, and the first of the Troop's third generation of PLs.

A winter PLs/APLs night exercise in 1982.   Above are APLs David Folland, Brendan Cox, Nick Smith and Chris Allen.   Below PLs Trev Gainey, Jeremy Warren, Andy Green and Tim Gainey.

In the Autumn a barbecue was held at Twyford Wharf.   Everyone had to wear different headgear.   One of the games included identifying the "body parts" (bits of food!) under the blanket.

The Merlin Patrol held an Autumn Camp at Horley Camp site (in the days when the site was just a field, a tap, and one toilet!   It was windy and cold ... but fun!

For the last meeting of the year Scouts played "Take A Letter" as featured on TV Programme Crackerjack, and Mr Lidster ran his Sound and Pictures Quiz.

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