By 1981 Troop meetings had moved from the Sports & Social Club in Adderbury playing field to the Institute on the Green (where they remain today).

It was a year the Troop's first PLs left with Andy Cox becoming a Leader, and the Troop's footballers played matches against other Troops.

The PLs went on a Night Hike in March 1981 (pictured are Andy Cox, Trevor Gainey, Tim Gainey and Sebastian Peisell).   This was one of the last activities for Andy and Seb who reached the Scout leaving age soon afterwards.

ALSO IN 1981

The music:
Specials - Ghost Town
Human League - Don't You Want Me
Bucks Fizz - Making Your Mind Up
Adam and the Ants - Stand and Deliver
Aneka - Japanese Boy
Police - Every Little Thing She Does
John Lennon - Imagine

Chariot's of Fire

Hitchhikers Guide To The Galaxy

See more from 1981 on the BBC website:

In May a number of Scouts attended Aquacamp at Lechlade

Jeremy Warren and Placido Perez

Michael Baker

David Baker

The cocoa was always popular!

Activity evenings were popular in 1981, with shooting, fire lighting and canoeing three of the activities on offer.   Activitity evenings were run at Twyford Wharf.

We've always loved Shrove Tuesday at 1st Adderbury, because we get to cook pancakes and enjoy a traditional pancake race.   Andy Green is seen (left) tossing a rather mis-shaped pancake and (below) the race gets underway in the Institute.

In 1981 subs were 15p per week.   Scouts had to give their subs to their patrol leader.   The patrol kept 5p and gave 10p to the Troop.   PLs kept their own accounts book.   Here's the Merlins accounts from the summer of 1981.

Summer Camp 1981 was held at Kibblestone Scout Camp Site in Staffordshire.   Merlins won the week.

In 1981:

After Seb Peisell and Andy Cox left Scouts Andy Green became the Merlin's PL and Jeremy Warren moved from the Merlins to take over the Otters.

During the summer Mr Lidster ran a boating camp at Longridge, a pioneering camp at Youlbury and canoeing training at 22nd Oxford Scouts.

In 1981 the Troop started issuing programme guides so Scouts knew what was happening each week.   Here's the autumn programme.

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