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1st Adderbury Scout Troop, Banbury, Oxfordshire, UK

Party Leaders Archie McCusker (Conservative), Seb Finch (Liberal Democrat) and Ben Haynes (UKIP) with Rhys Handley representing Labour

We spent April 2015 planning towards our very own General Election.

Each Scout answered a series of questions on their beliefs based on the main party manifestos from the real Election campaign.

Like minded Scouts were put together and it was revealed which party's policies they believed in.  

Next we studied the economy and how it works.   We also looked out how parliament operates and played a game trading Haribo sweets as party policies in order to form a coalition!

Party Leaders were picked and the campaigns began.   Flyers were pushed through letterboxes, posters put up and banners displayed.

Then on May 5, 2015 at the Scout Group's Social evening the Party Leaders made their election speeches and polling began using the actual polling booths that would be used two days later for the real election. All parents, family, friends and the Scouts themselves voted.

At the end of the evening the Returning Officer declared the result as follows:

Seb Finch (Liberal Democrat) - 32,136
Archie McCusker (Conservative) - 28,754
Ben Haynes (UKIP) - 16,914
Olly Clitheroe (Labour) - 13,531
results proportioned based on Banbury's actual constituency size

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