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1st Adderbury Scout Troop, Banbury, Oxfordshire, UK

Three teams set off to France for a day.   The object was to complete seven challenges.

We took the ferry from Dover to Calais.

Then each team set off with their driver, racing to complete the tasks before 6pm.

All three teams made their way to St Omer, and after doing a few tasks there they moved on to Lille.

Here's the results:

Tom Bishop
Sam Eley
Lewis Bullard

Ashley Ward
George Ding
Louis Martin

Sam Greatbatch
Ben Stoker
George Wise

1. Been to the place hidden by the anagram: IRON STEAM

2. Collected a French company promotional item (such as pen, pencil, sticker or flag).

3. Enjoyed a French ice cream in a market square.

4. Obtained details of a house for sale in France.

5. Sent a card to the Rob Tyson telling him to get better and that the wine is good – in French!

6. Visited the place in France where Charles de Gaulle was born

7. Had your picture taken reading a French newspaper on the steps of a church.

Relaxing in Lille after the challenges had been completed.

Coke, pizza and chips, then back to Calais for a late ferry home.


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