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1st Adderbury Scout Troop, Banbury, Oxfordshire, UK


Two teams of older Scouts made their way to France for a day of challenges.

After the ferry journey from Dover to Calais (complete with fried breakfast) the teams navigated their drivers around northern France, hoping to gain more points than the other team.

So how did they do?


Sailing across to France (Robbie thinks he's on the Titanic!)

The Tasks:

Dan's Team

Max's Team

Meet a French Policeman

Bought a really naff French Eiffel tower

Not done.


Visited the brewery in the town described on the clue (St Omer)

Obtained the autographs of five shop keepers


Bought the biggest one possible in a boulangerie

Not done.


Obtained a town centre street map



Captured a picture of the other team, before they spot you, at 5pm at Notre-Dame de la Treille Cathedral


Other pictures from the day...

The teams at the end (Dan's team includes two mystery French girls...!)

Sunset in France as we sailed off from Calais.

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