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1st Adderbury Scout Troop, Banbury, Oxfordshire, UK

Festive Friday is our big Christmas meal and party night for parents, organised by the Scouts, to raise money to pay for activities during the year.

The waiting staff welcome the guests and offer canapés, whilst the kitchen staff prepare the meal.

served with a selection of warm rolls
Homemade cream of cauliflower soup with herb croutons
Welsh cheese patties with a salsa dressing
Wild mushrooms and devilled kidneys on hot buttered toast
A duo of tasty loaded potato skins

served with a selection of seasonal vegetables
Roasted chicken breast, stuffed with mozzarella, sun dried tomatoes, basil and watercress with a roasted red pepper sauce
Loin of pork, stuffed with apricot, pistachios and cumin with a madeira sauce
Ricotta Fritters with a spicy porcini mushroom and black olive tomato sauce

Choose from a selection of delicious hot and cold desserts, served with cream, custard, ice cream … or all three!

A selection of fine cheeses

Warm mince pies
Tea or Coffee

Mr Mann dealing with the drinks orders

Ben and Tom check the layout of the food, Luca and Charlie collect in used crockery and Iwan hands out plates.

Dessert time!

A word from the Chairman and then let the entertainment begin.

Ernie - the fastest milkman in the west

Alfie tells the story

Sue she came between them and tried to keep them apart

Ernie loved a widow - lady known as Sue

Ernie pushed her aside and a rock cake caught him underneath his heart

Ernie's rival Two-Ton Ted from Teddington

Ernie's ghostly gold tops a rattling in their crates.   They won't forget Ernie!

The cast takes a bow and the party begins


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