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1st Adderbury Scout Troop, Banbury, Oxfordshire, UK


In February 2014 1st Adderbury Scouts became joint winners of the North Oxfordshire District Swimming Competition.

Troops from across the district, which includes Banbury, Bicester and the surrounding villages, took part in the annual gala at Bicester Swimming pool with each Troop allowed to enter one older team and one younger team.  

1st Adderbury’s older team won their section for the third year running.   The amalgamation of totals for the older and younger teams gave both 1st Adderbury and 1st Bicester equal points, so they became overall joint winners.  

It’s the second time 1st Adderbury have won the main trophy in the last three years.

Dylan, Iwan, Bryn, Ben and Alfie

Rhys, Edward, Tom and Ollie

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