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1st Adderbury Scout Troop, Banbury, Oxfordshire, UK



Members of the 1st Adderbury Scout Troop are celebrating after another of the Troop’s members achieved the coveted Chief Scouts Gold Award - the highest award possible for a Scout.

Harvey Rye received his award at the Troop’s meeting on April 26th, 2016 in Adderbury Institute. The presentation was made by the former Assistant County Commissioner and 1st Deddington Group Scout Leader, Janet Duxbury, watched by the Troop’s other members and Harvey’s family. Harvey, who is a pupil at Warriner School, will now attend the prestigious county awards presentation day in Oxford on May 7th.

The Chief Scout’s Gold Award is the culmination of a young person’s four years as a Scout and shows true commitment and determination through a series of difficult challenges and tests.

Janet Duxbury said, “It is fantastic to see a young person become so involved in his village activities outside of Scouting to gain his Gold Chief Scout’s Award. Harvey will have the advantage of being able to add these achievements to his CV”.

Scout Leader Andy Green added, “Harvey worked very hard to achieve this award. Today there are so many calls on a young person’s time it takes true grit, determination and loyalty to succeed and pass all the requirements of the Chief Scouts Gold Award. At 1st Adderbury we are all very proud of him.”

Harvey completed various projects as part of his Chief Scouts Gold Award including research work into the sporting habits of Adderbury’s teenagers. This helped provide the evidence for the Adderbury Neighbourhood Plan team of the need for enhanced sport facilities in the village. Harvey also volunteered to help with environmental projects at Adderbury Lakes and worked with the after-school club at Christopher Rawlins Primary School.

In addition Harvey took on various leadership roles, learned various life skills, performed in several stage sketches, attended numerous camps and attempted adventurous activities including canoeing, caving, white water rafting and quad biking.

Harvey Rye and Ben Haynes at the County Awards presentation day with Scout Leader Andy Green

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