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1st Adderbury Scout Troop, Banbury, Oxfordshire, UK



Two youngsters at the 1st Adderbury Troop have achieved the top award possible for a Scout.

The Chief Scout’s Gold Award is the culmination of a young person’s time in Scouts and shows true commitment and determination through a series of difficult challenges and tests, completed over four years.

At the Troop’s meeting on March 11th 2014 in Adderbury Institute the North Oxfordshire District Commissioner, Nick Davis, presented Will Rye (15) and Harry Phillips (14) with their awards infront of the Troop’s other members and their families.   The Scouts then attended a prestigious County Presentation and celebration day at Youlbury Scout Camp Site in Oxford in May.

Chief Scout Bear Grylls was at the County presentation day.

Scout Leader Andy Green said, “Will and Harry have worked really hard for this award.   To gain it they have taken part in various outdoor activities, learned life skills, and also given up their spare time to perform valuable tasks in the community.”

“The Chief Scout’s Gold Award is highly respected and something which will aid them as they seek college or university places, and apply for jobs in the future.    By showing true determination and commitment to achieve this award they have gained a head start over their peers, demonstrating they have the key skills any employer would look for in an employee.”

District Commissioner Nick Davis added, “I am very proud of Will and Harry's achievement. The Chief Scout's Gold Award is the highest award in the scout section and will make a big difference helping their CVs stand out when they apply for work or educational places in the future”.

To pass the award Will and Harry completed a series of badges and took on various leadership roles, completed community work at Adderbury Lakes and Adderbury Library, learned life and management skills, attended a wide range of camps and attempted various adventurous activities including mountain expeditions, canoeing, archery, quad biking and knee boarding.

Will and Harry both live in Adderbury and attend the Warriner School in Bloxham.

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