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1st Adderbury Scout Troop, Banbury, Oxfordshire, UK



Two Scouts from 1st Adderbury Scouts have achieved the top award possible for a Scout.

The Chief Scout’s Gold Award is the award every Scout wants to get, but only a few make it.

It shows true commitment and determination through a series of difficult challenges and tests, completed over four years.

At the Troop’s meeting on March 15th the North Oxfordshire District Commissioner, Brian Sargent, presented Tom Bishop and Ashley Ward with their awards infront of the Troop’s other members and their families.   Tom and Ashley will attend a prestigious County Presentation in Eynsham.

with District Commissioner Brian Sargent

Scout Leader Andy Green said, “Tom and Ashley have worked really hard for this award.   To gain it they have taken part in various outdoor activities, learned life skills, and also given up some of their spare time to perform valuable tasks in the community.”

“The Chief Scout’s Gold Award is highly respected and something which will aid them as they seek college or university places, and apply for jobs in the future.    By showing true determination and commitment to achieve this award they have gained a head start over their peers, demonstrating they have the key skills any employer would look for in an employee.”

District Commissioner Brian Sargent added, “I’m really pleased to present these awards. They represent lots of hard work over a period of several years and both Scouts are to be congratulated on their achievement. ”. 

To pass the award Tom and Ashley completed a series of badges and took on various leadership roles, completed community work at Adderbury Lakes and Adderbury Library, learned various life skills, and attempted various adventurous activities including mountain expeditions, gorge walking, caving, gliding and motor sports. 

At the County presentation with Martin Gerrard (Regional Commissioner) and John Harwood (DL Vice Lord Lieutenant)

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