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1st Adderbury Scout Troop, Banbury, Oxfordshire, UK

The challenge - to pass the Survival Skills Badge:

Take part in a survival exercise lasting about 24 hours: construct a shelter of natural or salvaged materials and sleep in it; cook all meals over an open fire; cook without utensils or aluminium foil; demonstrate methods of finding direction by day or night without a compass

First job, making the bivouacs.  Finding a suitable tree with a low overhanging branch was a good start.   From there other sticks could be built up and covered with ferns.


There was plenty of time for games as well.

A massive fire was built and then the embers used to cook kebabs.



And for pudding - Hornchurch Hotplate - fried up pastry patties cooked on an upturned discarded tin can, smothered with strawberry jam.


In the morning the fire was a no-match-wonder, lit from last night's embers

Breakfast was hot dogs.

Finally a demonstration of how to purify water.

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