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1st Adderbury Scout Troop, Banbury, Oxfordshire, UK


PLs v APLs Night Exercise
November 19th 2010

On a cold and very foggy November night two teams, our PLs and APLs, set off to navigate their way around a cross country course.   Both started and ended at the same point, but covered different routes.

The PLs made very good progress to their first checkpoint and overtook the computer predicted timings as they set off across open fields to CP2.   However they did then struggle on a very complex open field section to the third checkpoint, especially when trying to find a river crossing.   They were back on track from here and caught up most of the lost time to proudly find the end point at the trig point.

The APLs made a strong start, but were a little unsure of their grid references between checkpoint 1 and 2.   However the quickly worked out what they had to do and made speedy progress around the rest of the course.   They even beat the leaders to one of the checkpoints!   They cam walking in to the finish point beating the computer predicted end time.

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